The curriculum at CIS Armenia is based upon the programs of the British National, Cambridge International, and Armenian National curricula, starting with Early Years Preschool, Primary School, and moving to Secondary School (Lower Secondary, IGCSE Level, AS and A Level) in the senior years. The international program ensures a smooth transition through the years of schooling and provides the opportunity for students to succeed in a stimulating, externally validated and highly respected world-class educational program. Ultimately, the qualifications which can be obtained by our senior students can open the doors to universities over the world.

From 3 to 5 years old

Early Years Classes
[ Foundation Stage 1 – Foundation Stage 2 ]

There are seven areas of learning and development. All areas are important and inter-connected and are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. The seven areas are:

From 5 to 11 years old

Primary School
[ Year 1 – Year 6 ]

The key subjects of English (or English as a Second Language), Mathematics, Science and ICT as well as other subjects are based upon the Cambridge International Curriculum. They include Art, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, and Personal and Social Education. Russian is taught starting from Year 1, and Armenian for native speakers starting from Year 1 in line with the Armenian Public School Curriculum.

The Cambridge Curriculum program provides with statements of content, knowledge, skills, understanding, and attainment target levels for all of the subjects we teach other than Armenian and Russian. There are a variety of resources available to assist teachers that are obtained particularly from the UK. We have recently introduced ‘White Rose Maths’, ‘White Rose Science’ and ‘Talk for writing’ resources and materials.

However, academic subjects are only part of the methodology our teachers follow. Where we believe we excel is putting the child and their needs first. So, not only do we recognise that each child has their own personality, but also that every new day provides with another opportunity for success and happiness.

We have a number of reward systems to motivate students including housepoints, certificates and competitions.

 From 11 to 18 years old

Secondary School
[ Year 7 – Year 13 ]

The lower secondary years are characterized by an increasingly focused approach with specialist teachers for all subjects. This ensures that students not only develop their knowledge and skills but also get prepared for the rigors of the examination courses which begin with the IGCSE program in Year 10.

The final two years of schooling are dedicated to the Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level examination courses. Recognized around the world for university entrance, they offer students the flexibility of subject choice. So, a student could specialize in science, arts or languages, or take a range of subjects from across different disciplines.

From 14 to 16 years old

[ Year 10 – Year 11 ]

IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is a two-year program leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations. It is a unique UK government endorsed program provided to thousands of schools around the world.

Students are offered a curriculum across Years 10 and 11 that offers around 7 IGCSE examination subjects. This list encompasses the core subjects, such as the English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Three or four other subjects might be taken from Geography, History, Russian, Business Studies, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), Art and Design, and Drama. The exact availability of subjects in a particular year depends on a number of factors. What is ensured is suitability for our students and learning experience quality.

From 16 to 18 years old

A & AS Level Curriculum
[ Year 12 – Year 13 ]

The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, or A Level, is the ‘gold standard’ of international qualifications. It is accepted as an entry qualification by universities of the European Union and elsewhere around the world. A Level examination are usually taken after 13 years of education and are based on approximately 360 hours of guided learning per subject, normally over a two-year period. A Levels are highly specialised and a student will normally take three subjects, although occasionally exceptional students take four or five.

For more information please contact the admissions officer via email or call +374 33 777 183.